What does this look like to you?

Perhaps a non-descript set of stairs and a patio in front of a random office building? If you were a sleuth you might zoom in on the plaque to see that it’s the area in front of the Culver City Transportation office building in Culver City, California.
For someone with a reuzr mindset, it’s a gym.
Take a look:

Those steps? Perfect for a stair-running warm-up. Or for getting a light incline on your push-ups.
Those benches on the upper level? To me, those look like a perfect spot for a few sets of box jumps, a serious incline push-up, and decline sit-ups.
See that structure on the left? Just a bunch of structural steel beams, right? Well to me there’s one there that’s a perfect high for a pull-up bar.
Add a jump-rope and a Power by reuzr bike tire band and now you’ve got another cardio exercise and the potential to turn the benches into a platform for a barbell row and a shoulder press, and the steel beams into a spot for lat pulls.
Point is that when you have a reuzr mindset, you can always find ways to make something out of nothing.
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