This all started when I decided that I couldn’t keep buying orange juice in plastic cartons (and meanwhile the stuff in paper cartons tastes lousy). So I said to myself: hey…I can just buy the oranges and grapefruit and squeeze it myself!
Then I realized that I was left with a LOT of peels and pulp that went in the trash (no I don’t compost yet…it’s a long story). Obsession being the mother of invention, I needed to find some way to make use of the peels and pulp so I could minimize my waste. That’s when NO WASTE jammed up citrus was born.
First, I scrape out the pulp and store in a container

Next, I scrape the pith out so that all that’s left is the rind

The pith goes down the disposal
The rind gets sliced and chopped and stored in a container

When I’ve accumulated a decent amount of pulp and rind, I use a variation of this marmalade recipe from the New York Times, reducing the sugar and adding some interesting flavors by dropping things like lemongrass and star anise in the pot as it’s cooking
A few hours later, voila

Send me an email ( if you’d like a sample. I have a lot. And keep needing to make more.
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